AXS Projects

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UsageAll Museums Halls & exhibition facilities Sports facilities Cultural facilities (libraries & complex facilities) Historical preservation & renovation Education facilities Medical & welfare facilities Research facilities Government bldg. Offices Urban renewal Logistics Residences Lodging Overseas projects
RegionAll Hokkaido - Tohoku Region Hokkaido Aomori Iwate Miyagi Akita Yamagata Fukushima Kanto Region Tochigi Gunma Saitama Chiba Tokyo Knagawa Hokuriku - Koshinetsu Region Niigata Toyama Ishikawa Fukui Yamanashi Nagano Tokai Region Gifu Shizuoka Aichi Mie Kinki Region Shiga Kyoto Osaka Hyogo Nara Wakayama Chugoku Region Tottori Shimane Okayama Hiroshima Yamaguchi Shikoku Region Tokushima Kagawa Ehime Kouchi Kyushu - Okinawa Region Fukuoka Saga Nagasaki Kumamoto Oita Miyazaki Kagaoshima Okinawa Foreign
Year of CompletionAll 2021's (yet to be completed) 2020 2020's 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2010's 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2000's 1999 1998 1995 1990's
(日本語) 大湾区科学フォーラム常設会場
Guangzhou Airport Convention Center
Taichung International Convention and Exhibition Center
The New Ocean World &
High-End Full Service Hotel of Xiaomeisha Area, Shenzhen -
Zhuhai Poly international Plaza
Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
Guangzhou Science City Apartment
Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Stadium
Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium
Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center
Taikang Xianlin Drum Tower Hospital - Health Management Center
China Life Care Garden - Leijing